Pharmacy Friday

Friday at 9AM PST / 10AM MST, 11AM CST / 12PM EST

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Pharmacy Friday

Friday at 9AM PST / 10AM MST, 11AM CST / 12PM EST

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* By opting in you agree to receive email and sms communication from RX Ambassadors.

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Pharmacy Friday

LIVE weekly podcast dedicated to delving into the diverse and inspiring world of independent pharmacy ownership.

Join Our Weekly Live Podcast

Pharmacy Friday will provide a platform for an in-depth conversation about all things pharmacy, from patient care innovations to business automation strategies, community engagement, and industry trends. This is your chance to connect with a wider audience and share your expertise while learning from fellow pharmacy leaders. Our audience eagerly anticipates hearing about your pharmacy's unique story, the initiatives you've undertaken, and the impact you've made in the community. Your insights could inspire and empower other independent pharmacy owners.

Reserve Your Seat Now!


Jason Benedict

Your Host

Jason Benedict, Co-Founder of Rx Ambassadors, is an Award-Winning Business Automation Expert, Coach & Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast. With more than 20 years of experience in marketing, sales, and automation, Jason enjoys teaching Independent Pharmacy Owners how to create more revenue, profits, and freedom by leveraging his tested and proven C3 Growth Framework.

Dr. Amit Kakar, Pharm.D.

Your Co-Host

Dr. Amit Kakar, Founding Member of Rx Ambassadors shares his insight as a visionary pharmacist with a mission to revolutionize the way we perceive our thoughts and their profound impact on our physical condition. Dr. Kakar's purpose extends beyond the realms of conventional pharmacy, seeking to address the pillars of a healthy lifestyle.

Join Us Weekly To Learn About:

  • Reimbursement Cuts

  • DIR Fees

  • Staffing Costs

  • Medication Adherence

  • Patient Privacy Concerns

  • Emerging Technologies

  • Digital Marketing Competence

  • Strategy & Design

  • Technological Investments

  • Branding

  • Copywriting

  • Social Media

  • Competing with Chain Pharmacies

  • Budget Constraints

  • Patient Management

  • Reputation Marketing

  • Leadership

  • Referrals

  • Measuring ROI

  • Cash Flow

  • Conversion

  • Profit

  • Growth

  • Partnerships

  • We firmly believe that your pharmacy's story is a valuable addition to the conversations we're fostering at Rx Ambassadors, and we would like to spotlight your success on Pharmacy Friday. Your participation will enrich our discussions and offer a wealth of knowledge to our listeners.

    Register Now!

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